Carina Dangas JB Voices Voice Over Artist




Language: American, British, Portugese

Gender: Female

Age: 20's, Teens

Accent: American, American - California, American - Generic, American - Neutral, American - Standard, American - West Coast, Portugese, RP, Standard

Style: Articulate, Bright, Calm, Character, Charismatic, Conversational, Corporate, Distinctive, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Friendly, Fun, Informative, Light, Mid Range, Playful, Relatabe, Rich, Strong, Warm, Youthful

Speciality: Commercials, Corporate, Explainers, Singing


Carina Dangas is an actress, singer and ballerina, fluent in English and Portuguese. She started working with voice over because she wants to be able to dub her roles from English to Portuguese with her own voice. Carina did a VO training over 3 years ago and been as a VO artist while acting and dancing simultaneously ever since.

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